Lyme disease and the 7 pillars to health
What would you do if you were diagnosed with Lyme disease? A controversial, chronic illness that few people have even heard of. Some, including doctors, don’t even believe it exists here in Australia.
Once upon a time, I was vibrantly active, running my own business (implementing edible school garden programs into primary schools), public speaking and facilitating courses on organic gardening. In my leisure time I gardened, danced, did yoga daily, paddled my canoe and loved my life.
From that content and fulfilled space, I started to go downhill. Something was wrong. It became increasingly difficult to pretend that nothing was wrong and to keep on going. Eventually, I was diagnosed with a whole suite of debilitating illnesses including chronic Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and toxic mould illness.
My Lyme journey was 6+ years of struggling to get out of bed, coping with depression, anxiety, pain, and brain fog. Often, I was hardly functioning at all. Fast forward to now, and I’m living a life with energy and joy again. I am discovering new meaning and purpose in life and digging deep to unleash who I really am and what is important to me. My happy ending is that I am becoming the real me and am authentically living my truth.
But don’t be fooled into thinking that my return to health was fast or simple – far from it. I travelled down many treatment roads, desperate to get well; and while many were unsuccessful, I never gave up. Thankfully, by searching far and wide I discovered healing techniques, practitioners, supplements and machines to rebuild my body, brain and soul. To understand the depth of it, read my book Lyme disease Sucks –the Trauma, the Truth, & the Triumph.
This experience developed my expertise in health solutions and I now support others to move forward and improve their health – mentally, spiritually and physically. I have developed a life changing health program called 7 Pillars of Health. This fully comprehensive program offers enjoyable and manageable strategies for true, lifelong wellness.
Healing can be expensive, but I have discovered many techniques you can do at home at no or low cost. For example, essential daily rituals, detoxing and mindfulness. Of course, some treatments I recommend will incur a cost, and you will still need to be under the guidance of a health practitioner/doctor.
Course Curriculum for 7 Pillars of Health
- Lessen stress. Find the root causes of your stress, learn coping strategies, and replace stress with positive action, thoughts and a new story. Strategies to lower anxiety and depression.
- Detox your life – relationships, body, mind and home.
- Your relationships – Perhaps you have a toxic relationship with family members, your partner/marriage, friends, work, children or self.
- Your body – Learn multiple ways to detox including body brushing, saunas, coffee enemas, colonics, foot baths, salt baths and more.
- Your mind – Clear out all the clutter and negative mind chat that doesn’t serve you and replace it with new self-talk and techniques.
- Your home – What needs to be detoxed in your home? Declutter by getting rid of “stuff” – Spring clean your wardrobe and clear out boxes of old photographs, books and papers, and all those things you never use.
- Sleep hygiene. How to get a good night’s sleep. Without enough quality sleep our body cannot heal, our brain cannot detox, and we cannot function. Circadian rhythms, pre-bedtime rituals and what happens in the bedroom. Click here for free ebook called Sleep Bliss
- Growing organic food. Your health is your wealth, and it starts with living soil and organic/heirloom seeds and plants. Learn how to start an organic edible garden, maintain soil and plant health, and harvest the healthiest food. Never underestimate the power of plant medicine!
- Chemical free living. We clear out all the chemicals and restock your pantry, bathroom, bedroom, lounge room, office and car with natural, health-friendly solutions.
- Vagus activation. The vagus nerve is a communication channel from the brain to the gut and back again, including all the organs in-between. An incredibly important nerve that needs to be activated during the day. Learn lots of fun activities to get your vagus humming along!
- Living your purpose with self-love and gratitude. We need stillness and clarity to tune into our body and stay on track. Learn to live for yourself with visualisation, intention and goal setting, journaling, mindfulness, meditation, accountability and more.
Over 8 weeks, your 7 Pillars of Health journey is fully supported. Besides seven modules of deep and meaningful content, you get my deep dive weekly workshops. The workshops will maintain your motivation, and are always full of laughter, tears and transformation.
It’s not easy to transform your life; but as a Certified Results Coach I’ll be there to facilitate your health goals and witness your own personal revolution. Class numbers are limited so every participant gets customised and individual attention.
It is your birth right to live an authentic, healthy, happy life and my purpose is to guide you there. Because you are worthy.
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