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Elevate Your Energy $10.00 + $10 p/h (Australia only)

Foreword by Dr John Demartini

International No 1 Best Seller Book:
“Elevate Your Energy, the most inspiring way to take your energy to the next level”

Elevate Your Energy “throughout this book, you will find healers and coaches with various methodologies, all ultimately working to bring your body back to psychological and physiological homeostasis. A therapist, facilitator or healer who works from an authentic and congruent space of love and gratitude of the heart, and certainty and presence of the mind, will affect some form of healing in almost anyone with whom they come in contact. Every healing art has a place in the great field of wellness and every healing modality and treatment can be of service – though it’s important to realise that all true wellness starts in the mind and works through the heart in both the healer and the healed.”

“Being grateful, which spontaneously occurs more frequently when you are living congruently, will Elevate Your Energy and transform your mind and body. It causes your heart to open and allows your feelings of love to flow, and love and gratitude are the two greatest healers in Life.”

Dr John F. Demartini
Human Behaviour Specialist.


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